
Friday, February 7, 2014

Clean Eating: How to Get Started

Two weeks ago, I talked all about eating clean and what it means to me.
Last week, I shared the benefits that I have felt since changing our lifestyle.

This week I want to help y'all get started!

Here are a few tips on changing over to a clean eating lifestyle.

1.  First thing you must do is define what clean eating means to you.
Is it eating whole foods?  Is it eating less processed foods?  Is it eating all organic fruits and veggies?  What does it mean for you and your family?  Have a plan before you get started so you know exactly what you are going to eat and what you will not be eating.  If you have kids or a spouse, I would encourage you to let them in on this discussion so they know what to expect going forward.

2.  Clean out your pantry.
Get rid of all foods that are processed.  It's just easiest to clean it out and start fresh.  But you don't have to feel guilty for throwing food out.  Why not find a local food pantry to donate your unwanted food to?  When I did my cleanout last July, I also got rid of the foods that had gluten in them, because I went gluten free.  I gave the unopened packages and canned items to our food pantry at church!  I may not have wanted them, but there are others that will take those items!

3.  Meal Plan.
If you plan out each meal for the entire week, you will know exactly what you are going to eat and when.  This not only helps you out when it comes time for meal time, but it also helps you stay on track with your eating!

**I wrote this post on meal planning over a year ago.  Since then, our eating habits have changed, but the principle is the same.

4.  Write out a grocery list and stock your pantry with new clean eats!
Things to include:
  • fresh fruits and veggies
  • lean meat and fish 
  • healthy fats {olive oil, coconut oil, nut oils}
  • frozen fruit
Be sure to read nutrition labels.  The shorter the ingredients list, the better.  Can't pronounce an ingredient?  Don't eat it!  Avoid anything with added sugar.

This is a great article to help you decide what to eat:  Real Food Defined (The Rules).

Leave them in the comments!

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