
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Avoiding Social Situations Could Be Detrimental to Your Progress

Life happens.  Things are thrown at us all the time.  It gets crazy and stressful.  We are busier than ever before, and we don't know how to slow down.  There will never be the perfect time to get started with health and fitness or just focus on yourself.  There will always be someone else who needs you.

Learning how to deal with the things that life throws at you is super important as you make this way of living a lifestyle.  If you're not prepared for family parties, going to dinner with friends, birthday parties, and other celebrations, then you will probably be frozen in your tracks.  You won't be sure what move to make next, and it could totally throw you off your game.

We have made food emotional because we typically have food at every party and celebration we could ever imagine.  The people we have connection with is emotional--food just happens to be there.  So don't be sidelined when your best friends ask you to go out and eat after church on Sunday.

Here are a few tips for you when going out or going elsewhere for a meal:
  1. Take something you know you can eat that matches your goals.
  2. Take some emergency food in your purse.
  3. Look at the menu for the restaurant ahead of time.  Go in with a plan!
  4. Focus more on the people than the food!
Don't allow the social situations scare you.  Don't become a hermit because you're afraid of what you can and cannot eat.  Learn to work around those situations.  Be prepared.  They will happen.  So plan what you will do now so that you won't be paralyzed when they come up.

I think Melissa Hartwig says it best.  I know that I've mentioned time and time again that her book, Food Freedom Forever, has changed my life.  Here's a little excerpt from it:
"Don't let your reset turn you into a hermit.  You're eating healthy, not battling an infectious disease.  There is no reason you can't continue to socialize, dine out, attend parties and events, and travel during your reset.  It just requires a bit more planning and preparation, and a mind-shift away from thinking these special occasions are about the food.  They're not.  They're about the people you're with, the laughter you'll share, the traditions you'll create, and the stress-moderating effect of in-person social interaction.  So research the menu, pack your emergency food, bring your own side dish, be ready with your order of seltzer water with lime, and get out there during your reset."
Insert [healthy lifestyle] where she says reset.  Make it happen friends.  Don't be afraid to go out and have fun with the people you're with.  It's less about the food and more about the company you're with.    

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Are You Eating Instead of Drinking?

Did you know that our body's response to thirst feels just like hunger?  It could explain the reasons why you tend to open the pantry looking for something to eat and finding that nothing looks good.  It could also explain why you aren't seeing as much success with your health and fitness goals.

I find myself wanting a snack in the afternoon around 3:30.  I think it's partially because we always had an "after-school snack," as my Granny called it, when we got home off the school bus growing up.  But it also may be because I think I need something to eat, but I really need some water.

It has been advised that we intake at least half our body weight in ounces of water each day.  That means a person who weighs 200 pounds should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water.  That's A LOT!  I know that when I first started this journey four years ago, I hated water.  Seriously--I had to force myself to drink it.  Here I am now, and I exclusively drink it....except when I'm in my hometown. Haha!

So here are some tips for you as you try to drink more water!
  1. When you feel that first pang of "hunger," drink some water first.  This may quench that desire you feel.  It may even save you some calories that you don't need!
  2. When you pick up your water bottle, take 10 gulps.  This will help you reach your water goal faster each day!  I call this the "10 gulp rule."  It really works!
  3. Add some fruit or veggies to your water for flavor.  You can add lemon, lime, cucumber, rosemary, basil, mint, and even essential oils to your water to give it some flavor!  This helps especially if you don't like the taste of water.
  4. Grab a cute water bottle and take it everywhere you go!  This means I give you permission to go buy another water bottle!  It never hurts to have several. ;)  I seem to use a different one each week!  Keeping one near you at all times will also help you when the temptation arises to go through the drive-thru at your favorite snack spot when out and about.
  5. Use a straw!  I know that I drink more when I have a straw.  This helps me meet my water goal faster as well.
  6. Drink sparkling water if you need that carbonation feel.  I was addicted to Diet Coke.  I just thought I had to have one on a daily basis.  But then I switched to La Croix, and it made the transition so much easier!  Just be sure to purchase a sparkling water that does not have any sweeteners in it!
What other tips do you have that help you get your water in during the day?

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Monday, May 29, 2017

5 Reasons Your Smart Watch is Sabotaging Your Weightloss

A smartwatch is a fabulous device to utilize on your health and fitness journey!  I have loved using mine to track my workouts, see improvements, and figure a little more out about myself and my body.

I am a self-proclaimed Fitbit addict.  I have had a Fitbit for almost six years now.  I actually won my first Fitbit from the Dr. Oz show.  I was shocked when it came in the mail!  It sat on my desk for a while before I finally figured out how to use it, and then I wondered why it took me so long to get it working.

It is completely addicting to hit your step goal each day.  It's even a little addicting trying to hit your sleep goal.  And now, it's addicting to see those goals change from blue to green! But are you too focused on those numbers that it's sabotaging your progress?

I have five reasons to share with you why your Fitbit (or another smartwatch) could be a big hindrance in your weight loss and fitness goals.

1. You pay way too much attention to how many steps you get in a day.  I see time and time again in my monthly groups that women pay more attention to the steps than anything else.  One of the BIGGEST excuses I get for not getting an actual workout in is, "But I got my 10,000 steps in today," or "I went over my 10,000 step goal today."Great...good job.  You went above and beyond your step goal.  That's awesome!  And truly, it is.  But if you're not seeing the results you want and you're using your step goal as an excuse...stop it! 

The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic movement 5 days a week AND 2 days of moderate-intensity strength training.  That means that you should be getting your heart rate up to help with your cardiovascular health!  We know that this can help prevent heart disease and stroke.  So get up and move more!

We each have 30 minutes in our day that we can dedicate to moving.  That may mean less tv watching, less sleep, being intentional at getting your kids to go on an evening walk, or just using your time more wisely!  Get your heart rate up, sweat, and you'll be feeling SO much better.

2.  You eat the calories that you already burned off.  There is a danger of syncing your smartwatch app with other apps.  If you pay attention to your macros or track your food, you can sync your smartwatch app with your food tracking app.  This will then show your food tracking app that you've burned so many calories that you can now eat! However, if weight loss is your goal, you shouldn't be eating those calories that you've burned off during your workout.  If you do, then this could be a possibility of why you're not seeing the results you want. Allow yourself to see the deficit at the end of the day.  Don't eat those calories back that your app is showing that you burned.  Also, don't use those calories burned as an exact science.  They are probably an estimation and maybe overestimated.  This will also factor in the equation if you're eating back those calories that you've already burned--you could be eating too many!

3. You let it dictate how you feel.  When I first got my Fitbit, I saw that it could track my sleep.  I found that feature very fascinating!  I learned that I needed to be getting around 7-8 hours of sleep a night to feel my best.  Any less than that and I was super tired. Recently, Fitbit introduced "sleep goals" to the app, and I know that I was allowing it to tell me how I was feeling.   If I didn't get my 7 hours, then I told myself I was tired.  I told myself that I was going to need a nap.  I stressed a little too much about getting enough sleep. Last summer, I had some health problems going on, and I couldn't figure out why or what was happening.  I was literally pushing myself to get more steps in and get more sleep.  I was stressing my body out.  I knew that I had to quit letting the Fitbit dictate how I was feeling.  I needed to listen to my body.  Once I stopped listening to the Fitbit and started listening to my body, those problems went away.  Do not let your smartwatch tell you how to feel.

4. You don't workout because you forgot your Fitbit.  Ever hear the phrase, "Well, those were wasted steps!" :)  I think that I've said them a few times! Haha!  I know that it can be frustrating to forget your activity tracker.  I remember several times that I forgot mine, and I didn't want to move.  Silly, right?  But it's an excuse that people use.  It is completely ridiculous to not workout just because you forgot your tracker.

5. You don't workout because you are soooo far from your step goal.  This may be another ridiculous excuse, as we can circle this back up to reason 1.  Just because you may not reach your step goal today doesn't mean that you shouldn't get up and get a workout in!  This is just another silly way of justifying your reason for not getting a workout in.

If you find yourself using one of these reasons, stop!  Your body craves movement.  So get up and don't worry about what your smartwatch says. Move because you should--you'll eventually learn to love it.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Cheating Could Be Ruining Your Progress

You've eaten healthy all week.  You haven't allowed yourself to veer from your meal plan, and you are PROUD that you've stuck to it! I mean, that is legit something to be proud of! But now it's the weekend and you just want to relax a little bit.  You don't want to have to worry about eating healthy and sticking to a meal plan.

I get it!  Weekends are fun!  They are spent with family and friends.  They are for eating out and enjoying yourself.  You've got 48 hours to live it up before you have to go back to reality.  Right?  I mean, I was there once...I had a job that I hated.  I lived for the weekends when I had that time to myself to do whatever I wanted!

I used to reward myself with the weekend to eat whatever I wanted when I had done a good job the rest of the week.  However, that was hurting my progress rather than helping it.

About 80% of our physical results come from our nutrition.  That saying that, "Abs are made in the kitchen?"  That would be accurate.  What you eat on a daily basis matters...even on the weekends. Our food is important!  So if you allow yourself two whole days of eating whatever you want, that could be the reason you are not seeing the progress and results that you want.

If you are in weight loss mode, it is important to have a meal plan on the weekends.  I'm not saying that you can't enjoy a dessert, but don't be eating dessert for your meals. ;)

Make your nutrition a priority.  For me, I had to make in a non-negotiable.  I wanted the results so bad, but my actions were not lining up.  I had to get my act together.  I had already been working out consistently for a year.  I knew I didn't have a problem trying to get that done, but my nutrition was atrocious.

I kept wondering why I wasn't seeing the results that I wanted.  So I finally had a little chat with myself.  I had previously seen a girl, whom I look up to, dedicate 6 months to her nutrition and her dedication paid off big time!  I wanted that!  So I dedicated 3 months (yes, weekdays AND weekends) to my nutrition to see what could happen.  When I crushed it, I added another 3 months  to that!  Now, I'm 8 months in and feeling absolutely amazing!  I feel in control of my food freedom!  That is not something I could say 8 months ago.

So...this weekend, I am not going too far off track.  I've come too far to have a super-blow out-cheat weekend.  Here are some of my tips for helping you stay on track AND enjoy your family time:
  1. Take something to the party that you will eat!  This is extremely important so you know that you will have something that you can eat and it won't hinder your goals.  Sure, you may choose to indulge later, but at least you will have something that is still on your plan.
  2. When in the buffet line, load up on veggies first!  Filling your plate with veggies first will allow you to still consume food with nutrients and nourishment that your body needs.  Then fill it with protein and healthy fats.  The dessert will always be there, should you want to come back for some later.
  3. Enjoy the conversation and fellowship!  Unfortunately, as Americans, we've made get togethers all about the food.  They shouldn't be!  They should be about the people you are there to see!  So instead of focusing on what you should or should not eat, focus on rekindling and growing relationships!  Get to know your family and friends better.  Catch up!  People are more important than food.
  4. Get a workout in!  I know that after I get a workout in, I have a better mindset.  I will always make better decisions after I've worked out as well.  So you better believe that I will be working out this weekend before all of our parties!
What other tips do you have?  Is there something that has worked for you?  I'd love to hear about it!

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Is the Scale Weighing You Down?

Do you remember when you were a kid and there was a question that kids asked that could stump you?  The one that I'm talking about particularly is, "Which weighs more...100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of rocks?"

You would want to answer the feathers because they are lighter than a rock.  But the answer was always 100 pounds equals 100 pounds.  They weigh the same.

 That's true for fat and muscle.  Five pounds of fat equals 5 pounds of muscle.  The only difference is that it takes more fat to make up that 5 pounds.

Muscle weighs more than fat.

Muscle is more dense than fat.

This is why you should not rely on the scale as your sole measure of progress!  It will NOT tell you the truth!

Have you stepped on the scale to see a number only to feel super depressed?  Or maybe you stepped on the scale and saw a number and you jumped for joy.  We allow the scale to dictate our feelings way too often.  We also allow it to control our actions.  Maybe once you've seen that number you now feel that you have to stop eating certain foods or you celebrate by eating your favorite dessert?

We cannot allow something so small dictate how we feel or react.

Here are some other options for you when it comes to measuring your success:
  1. Take physical measurements to see if you've lost inches.
  2. Look for progress in your workouts.  Did you lift heavier weights?  Did you make it further than you've ever made it?
  3. Notice changes in your clothes.
  4. Did you make it a week without sweets?  Pop?  Your late night snack?
  5. What physical ailments have gone away?
  6. Are you sleeping better?
  7. Are the breakouts gone from your face?
There are so many ways to measure success.  It doesn't have to be on a scale.

So I encourage you to put your scale away.  You don't have to throw it out, but put it where you can't see it every day.  If you feel the need to weigh yourself, only do it once a week or less often.  Start focusing on the small victories, because when you're not focused on what the scale says, those become your BIG victories! 

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Is Your MINDSET Sabotaging Your Success?

People want a quick fix.  We want instant gratification.  We want to be thin, and boy do we want it now!  Patience is hard to come by these days.  It seems that we don't want to wait for anything.  I mean, it's hard to wait for an Amazon Prime order! :)

When you start your health journey slowly, it allows you to think through all the changes.  Typically, women that I work with have started out with a positive mentality.

I can do this.
This is gonna be great.
No one can stop me.
I can absolutely do this!

I love that!  I love that they are so enthusiastic to get started!  But sometimes life happens.  There are family emergencies, kids' activities, church functions, vacations, and so much more.  Sometimes these obstacles are the best way to learn.  By taking this lifestyle change slowly, you are allowed to figure things out.

How do you best deal in stressful situations?  How will you get supper ready?  Where will you eat?  How will you juggle it all?  What sacrifices will you make?

Those are all some valid questions that you may have to learn along the way.  These obstacles give us time to grow.  When we struggle, we change and build character within ourselves.  This is all good.

When you jump on the quick fix fad diet and see all the rapid changes, you don't have time to change your mindset.  So when you get off that diet for one reason or another, you may see the weight come back, and you may see even more pile on.  That's because you didn't have time to make a shift in your thoughts.

This is such an important part of the journey.  We have to shift our thoughts about food, working out, our success!  Everything on this journey centers around what we think!
Whether you think you can or you think you can't--you're right. Henry Ford
Do you think you can do it?  Do you think you can open yourself to trying new things?  Do you think that you can be proud of yourself?? I KNOW you can!  YOU just have to believe it!

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How You Are Sabotaging Your Weightloss

I work with women everyday who are wanting to lose weight and get healthy.  But sometimes they come to me wondering why they're not seeing progress.  Could it be that they are sabotaging their own progress without knowing it?

The answer is yes, and I'll tell you why.  I, myself, have sabotaged my own progress.  In fact, I have the pictures to prove it.  It's quite embarrassing, but it's part of my story.  A year ago, I finally came to grips with the fact that I was struggling with binge eating.  I had been in a depression for a year prior due to the loss of my dear Granny.  It was hard, and I was in total denial.  I didn't want to admit that I had been self-medicating with food.  But I was.

Maybe your self-sabotage isn't like mine.  In fact, maybe you don't even know that you're sabotaging your weight loss progress.  Over the next few days, I want to share several ideas on why and how you may be sabotaging your progress.'re on a diet.

That's heard me.  You are on a diet.

You should not be on a diet.  You should have a diet.  A diet should consist of everything that you consume during the day.  It should not dictate whether you say "yes" or "no" to a certain food or food group.

Americans want a quick fix.  We want to be able to snap our fingers and see instant progress.  But things in life that are worth having take time!  Pills, wraps, diet fads and books, pre-packaged diet foods, gadgets, workout programs--they all contribute to our BILLION DOLLAR health and fitness industry.  That's's a billion dollar industry.  Crazy, right?!  We want the latest thing!  We don't want to have to work hard.

In a perfect world, food should be enjoyed.  There should be no stress or other emotions when food is involved.  You should be able to say "yes" or "no" to certain foods with ease because you know exactly how those foods directly effect your body.  You know what foods make you feel good and what foods don't.  Actually, in a perfect world, we should be able to eat whatever we want and not have to worry about gaining weight. HA! ;)

The best way to have a diet is to start slow and eat real food.  You can't change everything overnight.  That is actually the quickest way to fail.  So take it slow.  Eat lean meats, veggies, fruit, healthy fats!  Keep fresh foods in your refrigerator.  Most importantly, get the mindset that you have to be on a diet out of your head!!

Sure, there will be times that you will need to tighten up your nutrition.  In fact, I have three very big events coming up this summer that I want to feel my best at.  So right now, I am making the conscious effort to say "no" to some things so that I can say "yes" to some things later.  I will tighten up my nutrition if I find that I am having an unhealthy relationship with a certain food.

There will be times that you are living in complete food freedom where you don't feel like any sort of food has a hold on you.  You can say yes to that dessert.  You can say no to that ice cream.  It doesn't effect you, and you know exactly what you want.  That is awesome!  That is what we should all strive for.  But no matter the place you're in, tightening up the nutrition or being able to feel free is okay.

Don't be on a diet.  Have a diet.  Don't let what you feel that you can and cannot eat sabotage your goals!

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Recovering From Heartache

I grew up in a loving, Christian home.  I accepted Christ as my Savior at age ten.  I have known who Jesus is my whole life.

But I have not always lived like it.

In 2014, my husband was promoted to manager within his department in his company.  With this prestigious title came the responsibility of traveling to different offices around the country every week.  At first, it was fun for me.  I had lots of evenings free that I could craft or do whatever I wanted to do.  I didn't have to make supper if I didn't want to.  I didn't have to answer to anyone...just my dog.  <---Believe me, he's pretty high maintenance. :)

But week after week, month after month things slowly changed.  The traveling took a toll on our marriage.  I didn't have a whole lot of friends in St. Louis at the time.  I had a particular work friend that I often unloaded on, but my guard was pretty high.  I was hurting from so much loneliness.  I didn't have a clue how to fix it, but I searched for a solution in all the wrong places.  It was in early 2015 that I was feeling pretty convicted that I needed to spend more time with Jesus in the mornings.  I had left Him out of my life.  I was making decisions without Him.

Fast forward to May 22, 2015...the day my world changed forever.  My beloved Granny left this world and graduated to her place with Jesus in Heaven.  After three days of holding a bedside vigil, she went to be with her Savior.

What ensued afterward was a deeper downward spiral for me.  I struggled to stay afloat.  I began comforting myself with food.  I definitely didn't grieve in the way that I needed to.  My husband was still traveling, and I had no one to talk to.  I was broken.

I was still convicted of spending time with Jesus each day.  In fact, it was actually May 19, 2015 that the direction of my life changed.  You don't forget days like that...and this is no exception.  As I was driving across the state of Missouri on that day, I knew that my life had to change.  I had to do something about it.  I had to take matters into my own hands. Conviction is useless without action.  I had to do something about my life.

Growing Up is a book that I am currently reading.  In it the author, Robby Gallaty says, "There are three types of people in this world:  those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what just happened.  Be one of those who makes things happen in your spiritual life." [Emphasis added.]

I had to quit waiting around for something magical to happen to bring me back to a right relationship with the Lord.  I had to quit relying on my parents' beliefs to be my own.  I had to take MY relationship with Jesus in MY own hands because it is that important.

Fast forward to January 2016.  My husband received another promotion within his company and we relocated to Oklahoma City.  It was the entire year of 2016 that I decided that I had to dive deeper into my identity in Christ.  Sure, I would totally do things differently now, but hindsight is always 20/20.

Today, as I reflect on the legacy that my Granny left, I am reminded of a verse in Romans.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Life is tough sometimes.  Going through struggles may seem never ending.   But as someone who is on the other side {finally}, someone who is still continuing to heal, I can tell you that God knows exactly what He's doing.  He makes even the worse situations work for His good.  Cling to that hope today.

I miss Granny everyday.  I still cry when I think about her, but I know that God is healing me more and more each day through His truth.

Watch my story here:

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The Power of Routine: Weekends

As we wrap this series up, I want to share my weekend routine with you.  My weekend routine really helps me set up my week to be successful!  My weekends are fairly chill.  I really like to keep them that way. :)

On Saturdays, I typically allow myself to sleep in.  However, I am usually up by 7:30, so that's not what "sleeping in" used to mean as a teenager.  I may play catch up with some work, but I allow myself to spend time with my family.  On Sundays, we head to church in the morning.  Afterwards, we usually go to lunch with friends.

Sunday afternoons are typically spent relaxing.  But I also do my meal prep for the week.  This sets me up for a successful week with my nutrition.  If I don't meal plan, I'm more likely to eat junk, go out, or make excuses--sometimes all of the above!

I also get my planner out and look ahead for the week.  What kinds of appointments do I have?  What things need to get done?  Do I have meetings?  I try to plan ahead so that I am prepared for those things as well!

Routines keep us in check.  They help us implement new habits and make us successful.  If you don't have a routine of any kind right now, I would encourage you to start one!  It doesn't have to be fancy or long.

If you want to be successful, you've got to change your daily habits.  Do things to help you get to the success that you're looking for! I think John Maxwell says it best, "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily.  The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

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If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Power of Routine: Cleaning

I have to be honest with you...I am not a great house cleaner.  I dream of having a clean house, but I hate actually cleaning it.  In my mind, the perfect wife has the perfectly clean house all the time. Good thing I'm not perfect! ha!

I think my method of organization usually goes in the "organized chaos" category.  I typically know where things are, I just may need to sift through a pile before I get to it.  Anyone else that way?

When we were living in St. Louis, I was working full time outside the home.  It was difficult to clean.  I hated the thought of having to clean the entire house in one day.  Honestly, I thought that's how I was supposed to clean--my mom modeled that amazing behavior for us as kids.  We all knew that Fridays were cleaning days, and when we got home from school, we knew that we had to take all our school bags to our bedroom.  She wanted to enjoy her clean house for at least a day.

Now that I'm working in my home, I do want to have a clean house, but I still don't want to have to clean it all in one day.  So I came up with a schedule that I could stick it.  I came up with all the cleaning jobs and other odd jobs and put them in my schedule as I saw fit.  Cleaning a little bit each day doesn't overwhelm me, and it's manageable.

Here's what my typical cleaning schedule looks like during the week:
  • Monday:  On Mondays, the only thing I do is laundry.  This task really takes a couple of hours, and it helps set the tone for the week--especially if I get it all done, folded, and put away! ;)
  • Tuesday:  On Tuesdays, I dust.  This really only takes about 20 minutes or so, but it's one task that I really don't like doing.
  • Wednesday:  On Wednesdays, I clean the bathrooms.  We have three bathrooms, and I really do try to get them all cleaned on the same day.  However, if I don't feel like I have enough time, I make sure the two bathrooms are cleaned on the main level.
  • Thursday:  Thursdays are trash days, so on Wednesday evenings, I try get all the trash in the receptacle and out to the curb.  This definitely alleviates the flailing around and stress on Thursday mornings.  Another task I have assigned to this day is meal planning.  Meal planning is essential to the success of my health.
  • Friday:  Fridays are meant for grocery shopping and floors.  I vacuum once a week--I should probably do it more, but I don't, so this is the day I do it.
Other jobs that I do daily are tidying up the kitchen and living area, as well as dishes.  This helps keep me sane throughout the week, and I don't feel like a complete cleaning failure. ;)

If you struggle with cleaning, I'd suggest making a list of everything that you need to get done.  Then assign a time during your days that you can do a couple of things on your list!  If you have a cleaning schedule, share it with me! I'd love to hear about it!

If you have enjoyed this post, please comment below and share it!  After all, sharing IS caring! 😉

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Power of Routine: Evenings

Yesterday, I shared my morning routine.  It is extremely important to me.  But I might also add that my evening routine is just as important, too!

If you ask my husband, he'll tell you that I'm like the energizer bunny.  I will work and work and work, and when it's time to go to bed, I'll crash.  I don't need to wind down.  I don't need time to "get ready" to sleep.  That might be how I was raised, with little downtime, but I have continued it into my adulthood.  I don't really like being idle, especially when I have part of a to-do list left in the evening.

But having a routine has really helped me be more successful with my mornings.  In order to have a smooth morning routine, I must have an evening routine.

Can I share a bad habit with you?  I feel like we're that good of friends, now.  About six years ago, my husband was in training for his job.  We had relocated to Oklahoma City (the first time) for three months while he figured out what he was doing.  I came with him, but I didn't have the same schedule as him.  In fact, I didn't want to go to bed at the same time he did.  I was still on somewhat of a college kid's schedule...staying up late, sleeping in late.

I didn't have a job during this time, so I turned to social media.  This was right at the time that I started making "friends in my phone."  I would scroll instagram or facebook every night, laying in bed while my husband slept.  Then I would have to make myself get off my phone.  That habit has been carried through the last 5 years or so.  I blame that habit on my bad sleeping.

So to help with my sleeping schedule and productivity, I thought I should at least try to get ready for the day ahead of me.  I now have a schedule of four things that I do each night before I go to sleep.
  1. I lay out my workout clothes on my bathroom counter.  This helps me to quietly get ready for the day and prepare myself to get my workout done early!
  2. I set out my water bottle and pre-workout drink on the kitchen counter so that I know exactly where they are in the morning.
  3. I set out my Bible, personal development book, and journal on my coffee table.  I do my quiet time on the couch each morning, so having this in front of me when I sit down helps a ton!  The last thing I want to do is be scrounging around looking for something.
  4. The last thing that I do is put my phone on the charger in my bathroom.  I quit leaving it on my nightstand, as that was too big a temptation to just reach over and scroll the social feeds before sleeping.  Allowing myself 45 minutes before bed to completely let my eyes rest from all digital devices has made a world of difference in my sleep.  If you're worried about an alarm, just buy a cheap alarm clock! ;)
What things do you need to put in your evening routine?  What would help make your mornings smoother?

If you have enjoyed this post, please comment below and share it!  After all, sharing IS caring! 😉

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Power of Routine: Mornings

I have been notorious for saying that I am NOT a morning person.  I have said that my entire life, I think.  I have never really liked mornings.  It meant that I had to wake from my deep slumber and do things that I didn't like--school, farming, or a job in the later years.  I didn't have anything to look forward to each day to make me love mornings.

When I was working full time outside the home, I had to be at work by 7:30 am.  Okay, honestly?  I didn't have to be...we had flex time and that was my sweet spot.  I know that I work the best in the mornings, so I wanted to have as much time to work before lunch.  I knew that I would get more done in the mornings than any other time of day.

However,hated getting up any earlier than I had to.  I wanted to get up, get ready, and leave.  But when I started my health and fitness journey, I quickly found out that I was TOO tired to workout after work.  I really needed to shift my schedule so that I could get up and workout in the mornings. Oh golly....that was hard!  Five a.m. is SO not my friend!  But I did it anyway for over a year.

Fast forward to now.  When we moved to Oklahoma City, I started working from home.  I was so happy to not have to get up super early and that I would be able to set my own schedule.  Quickly, I found out that I wanted to be up early enough to send my husband off to work.

So while I still don't consider myself a "morning person," I do get up and follow a routine.  Early last year when I wanted to read more personal development, I came across a book that actually helped me figure out what my routine should be.  It's a quick read, and I was able to implement what I learned right away!  Enter The Miracle Morning:  The Not-So Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8 AM

This book helped me realize that I needed to have some sort of routine in the morning to set the tone for the day.  If I didn't have a to-do list or any goals for the day, I would slack off and watch a lot of Netflix! The author of this book has his own acronym for his routine called Life S.A.V.E.R.S.  These are activities that he implements into his morning routine so he can be more productive.  It stands for:
  • Silence
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Scribing
He describes each of these in detail inside the book, but basically he meditates, affirms himself, visualizes his goals, exercises, reads, and journals.  I took some of his ideas and turned them into my own morning routine.

Each morning, I get up around 6 am.  I give my first moments to God.  I know that if I don't spend time in the Word, reading and studying, that my attitude will not be the best the rest of the day. Reading my Bible helps prepare my mind and gets it centered on what is most important in my life.

From there, I read my personal development book.  This helps my mind grow.  I typically choose books that I'm interested in or areas that I want to grow in.  I'm currently reading  Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples.  I don't read a whole lot at a time, because I want time to journal my thoughts about what stuck out to me, areas that I need to grow or implement what I just read, and pray over how I can be a better follower of Christ.

By then, my husband is usually up and around.  I like to have my quiet time before he gets up because I can have complete silence before the day gets started.  There is just nothing like having personal quiet time with Jesus in the quiet moments each morning.  I will make my husband's lunch and send him off to work.

Then I go directly to work out.  I have to get it done first thing in the morning or else I put it off and then it usually doesn't happen.  I have to sweat before my mind knows what it's doing. ;)   After my workout, I shower and dress.  This part, I've been implementing for only a couple of weeks and it has worked brilliantly.

Instead of putting sweats back on or staying in my workout clothes, I actually get dressed.  That's right.  I put jeans on and my shoes (along with some sort of shirt--typically a t-shirt). I know that if I have my shoes on, then I will be productive and less likely to sit and relax on the couch!

My whole routine takes about two and a half hours.  But this is what gets me ready for the day, and I've completed a lot of tasks that I would normally put off until later.  These are my non-negotiables--they have to happen everyday!

What is your morning routine?  Do you have one or do you need to create one?

If you have enjoyed this post, please comment below and share it!  After all, sharing IS caring! ;)

 If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Power of Routine

Routine.  Does that word make you happy or sad?  Does it irritate you or soothe your soul?  Do you like having a routine or would you rather fly by the seat of your pants?

We are humans...who happen to be creatures of habit, believe it or not.  We tend to crave some sort of routine.  To some extent, we like to know what is coming before it actually happens.  We like to have a rough idea of what our schedule is going to look like for each day so that we know how to plan.

According to the dictionary, a routine is "a sequence of actions regularly followed."  I would be sure to bet that we all have some sort of routine:  morning, nightly, weekend, workout, skin care, etc.  You may not realize that you have one, but I bet you do if you think about it. ;)

Routines help make us more successful.  Why?  Because of the actions that we string together to get it done.  It has been said that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, but I really think it takes a little longer than that.  In a little over two months, you can have a new habit fully formed.  String the new habit together in a routine, and you will catch on quicker!

For instance, last year I wanted to read more personal development books.  I wasn't sure how to go about doing that, so I decided that in the mornings, after my Bible reading time, I would read my ten pages of personal development.  Right after that, I would get my workout done.  I included the new habit in my morning routine, and it has stuck!

This week,  I will be sharing four of my own routines that I've put in place to help me be more successful and productive.  I'll be sharing my:
  1. Morning Routine
  2. Evening Routine
  3. Cleaning Routine
  4. Weekend Routine
I hope that you'll be able to grab some tips for routine building to create your own routine to help you be more successful and productive!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Healthy Vacations: After Vacation

Well, you're home from vacation, now what?  I know that some of you may be sad to come back to reality and some may be ready to come home.  I really do love my life, so I am generally ready to come back after a refreshing and relaxing time.

So what happens once you're home?  Well, hopefully, you did your research and planned accordingly, packed the necessities, and enjoyed every, single moment of your vacation.  I sure hope you're feeling refreshed!  Your tummy should be feeling pretty good, your mind should be full, and you're ready to tackle the first week back at work, whether outside the home or inside.

However, if you're not feeling that way, I can understand.  I've been there many times before. Whatever you're feeling, I've got a few tips for you!

Once you're home, get back on schedule.  That means to continue your workouts wherever you left off.  Maybe you only worked out a couple of times on vacation or maybe you completed a whole week of workouts on vacation...wherever you left off, start right back up!

Get back on your healthy meal plan!  Maybe you're feeling pretty crummy. My tummy was feeling a bit off last week when I got home, so I started the 3 Day Refresh, just to help my body get rid of the junk that I did consume and to get a head start back on my healthy meal plan.  If you feel good, then just make sure you're back to eating a clean diet.

Since I've been on this journey for awhile now, I have a good idea of what meals we like. I typically will start thinking about my meal plan on the trip home.  That way once we get home, I can head straight to the grocery store to fill up the fridge again!

The sooner you get back on track, the sooner you'll be crushing your goals!  If you allow yourself to slack when you get home, the longer you'll be feeling crummy.

Side note:  I think that I have finally learned that I HATE feeling like crap!  That should be one of those "duh" moments, but I have to be honest.  Sometimes ice cream is WAY too tempting and the temptation outweighs the upset tummy afterwards.  But then I'm completely miserable and always wondering WHY I can't ever learn. It's a vicious cycle!

I hope that you have a wonderful vacation, and I sure hope that these tips can help you the next time you decide to get away! 

If you have found this series helpful, please leave a comment or share this post!  After all, sharing IS caring!! ;)

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Healthy Vacations: Now What?!

So you've done your research on your vacation location.  You know exactly where all the good spots to eat are.  You've done your homework and know where the nearest grocery stores are.  You have a list of snacks you want to take along, and you know to pack your personal development book to help keep your mind in check while you're gone. what?!

The biggest tip that I could give you is to be present.  Forget about what is happening at home. You're on vacation for a reason, right?  You want to enjoy it.  Forget about documenting the trip via social media.  Take pictures when absolutely necessary, but soak in all the memories that you're making.

I know that in order for my husband to relax, we have to go out of the country where he can't turn his phone on.  If we go somewhere that he can leave his phone on, then he gets his emails, texts, and phone calls from work.  That is not the point in a vacation.  Honestly, I have to go out of the country to turn my phone off, too. Since I have a job on social media, I get caught up in responding to emails just as much as he does...GUILTY!

Being present...caught in the moment...also helps with eating.  When we are present, we are able to fully evaluate our food choices.  When we are present, we don't shovel snacks in our mouths just out of habit.  When we are present, we are fully aware of the choices we are making.

When you are present, you know when your body is really hungry and when it's just thirsty.  You know which foods make you feel crummy, and you are aware of the beverages that you are consuming.  But it is vacation.  It's okay to treat yourself.  Just don't treat yourself at every meal of every day!


Remember...relax and enjoy this week with your family.  You won't ever get this time back.  Be present and soak in the memories!

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Healthy Vacations: What to Pack

The great thing about this journey is that we continue to learn about ourselves.  Or at least I hope you do! ;)  I know that I am continually learning about my body and my habits and how I work.

This last week, I learned something that I didn't know about myself.  I learned that I need to keep my morning routine the same no matter where I am.  When I am at home, I get up and have my quiet time (Bible study), read my personal development book, and then I will go workout.  I could have kept that routine during the week on the cruise, but I didn't.  And I felt it the rest of the day.

My morning routine keeps me grounded.  I know that I am a better person after I've been in God's Word each day.  I know that my day will be better, and I will be able to get more things done if I put Him first.  Not only that, I also read some personal development books.  I know that personal development or "self-help" gets a bad reputation sometimes.  I know that I used to think, "What?  I don't need self-help."  But I have started reading these types of books for the past year or so.  I can't believe the growth that I've seen in my own self just by reading some of these books.

need personal development in my life because it can help refine my leadership skills or help me with my nutrition or whatever it may be.  There are tons of books out there to read, and I've had a lot recommended to me.  But I would definitely tell you to read books that will relate to you and what you're going through or what areas you need to grow in!

If the book you're currently reading is not good or you're forcing yourself to read it....STOP!  You want to read something that you are passionate about or something that will push you to be better.

When you train your mind, as well as your body, you will achieve so much more!  I now know for the future that I need to keep up with my personal development reading while on vacation so I can keep my mindset right.  A strong mindset helps me make healthier decisions.  That...I have figured out finally! ;)

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Healthy Vacations: Plan for Success

Okay, so you've been working out and eating healthy for awhile now.  It's almost summer and your kids are ready to go on a family vacation.  But what do you do?  How will you continue this lifestyle while on vacation?  Will you be prepared or will you fall off the wagon for a week?

That is all up to you.

Typically, when we would go on vacation, I would have the attitude that it was only a week and that I could do and eat whatever I wanted.  Then I'd get back on track with my food the next week when we would get home.  However, it never really happened like that.  So these last couple of vacations, I decided that I would do my best to continue eating healthy and being active.  Here are a few things that I have found to be helpful.
  1. Do your research!  Where will you be going on your vacation?  Will you be staying at a hotel or a resort?  Will you be on a cruise ship?  Will you have access to a kitchen? What kinds of restaurants are surrounding the area that you will be in?  Will there be a grocery store nearby? What kinds of foods will you have access to?  Is there a fitness center?  Will you need to do a workout in your hotel room?  Do you need to adjust your workout calendar so you can get the proper workouts in while you're gone?This step is important so you know exactly what you're getting yourself into and you can be as prepared as possible.  If you aren't prepared to have a healthy vacation, then you most likely won't be successful.  You may still have a ton of fun, but you may come home feeling crummy.  We don't want that!
  2. Make a list.  You will want to make a list of all the things you will need while away.  You will want your regular workout clothes and already-broken-in shoes.  You'll want some healthy snacks that you can pack in a purse or bag for the day.

  3. Plan for Success! If you don't plan to be successful with healthy eating or daily movement, then you won't be successful.  You have to make it a priority.  This is your healthy lifestyle. Just because you are in a different place than normal doesn't mean that you don't want your body to be working optimally.  So yes, you may need to get up earlier than your family.  But I bet you can take a nap later in the day! ;)
For some healthy snack ideas, check out the video below!

If you enjoyed this post, please share it or leave a comment!  As always, if you have questions, please reach out.

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

Recipe: Mom's Taco Soup


  • 1 lb hamburger, browned
  • 4 cups water
  • 1/2 pkg frozen corn
  • 1 can mild rotel
  • 2 cans white chicken breast
  • 2 Tbsp dairy free ranch seasoning
  • 3 Tbsp homemade taco seasoning


  1. Brown hamburger in a medium size stock pot and drain.
  2. Add all the ingredients together.
  3. Let cook on low for about 20 minutes.
  4. Eat with tortilla chips, cheese, sour cream, or any other toppings you desire.

Recipe Notes

**I use the taco seasoning and ranch seasoning that I’ve included on the Recipes page.  If using purchased packages from the store, use 1 package dry ranch seasoning and 1/2 package taco seasoning.

Recipe: Beef and Snap Peas Stir Fry

Recipe Credit: Melissa Joulwan, Well Fed Weeknights

Velveting Ingredients

  • 2 Tbsp coconut aminos
  • 1 Tbsp arrowroot powder
  • 1 tsp unseasoned rice vinegar
  • 3/4 tsp salt

Protein and Vegetables

  • 1.5 lbs beef steak (sirloin, strip, flank, top round)
  • 1 lb snap peas
  • 2 large carrots, cut into ribbons with vegetable peeler


  • 3 Tbsp coconut aminos
  • 1 scallion, dark green part only, minced


  • 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed


Velvet the Meat

  1. This is key! Mix the velveting ingredients in a medium bowl with a fork. Thinly slice your protein--about 1/4 inch thick--and toss it in the bowl with the velveting liquid, then set aside. That's it!

Cut the Veggies

  1. Cut all the vegetables into similar shapes and sizes for consistent cooking.

Make the Sauce

  1. Combine the sauce ingredients in a pint-size mason jar and whisk with a fork.

Prep the Aromatics

  1. Crush the garlic, peel and grate the ginger, and mix in a small bowl with the oil.

Heat the Pan

  1. Place 1 tablespoon oil in a large, nonstick skillet (or wok) and warm it over medium-high heat, 2 minutes.

Cook the Protein

  1. Add the velveted protein to the pan and cook, undisturbed, 1-2 minutes. Stir and cook another 1-2 minutes. Transfer to plate.

Cook the Veggies

  1. Reheat the pan with another 1 tablespoon oil, 30 seconds. Stir-fry the veggies until just tender, 1-4 minutes, depending on the vegetables.

Cook the Aromatics

  1. Push the veggies to the side of the pan, add the aromatics, and stri-fry them for about 15 seconds. Toss the veggies and aromatics together.


  1. Return the meat to the pan and toss with the veggies.

Final Stir-Fry

  1. Add the sauce and toss to combine. Stir-fry until it looks so good you can't wait to eat it, 30-90 seconds.