
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Tyler and I got to go to Lamar for approximately 24 hours this weekend.  It was nice to have the entire family home and sitting around the living room.  While we were there, my mom had us play the "I am thankful game."  We generally play this at Thanksgiving, and we probably will play it again.  I was the last one to say what I was thankful for, and I couldn't stop rambling off things.  I'm extremely blessed and thankful, so I thought I'd share.

  • I'm so thankful that God provides.  We aren't making the "big bucks," but we do have a roof over our head, food on the table, and a bed to keep us warm.
  • I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a wife to my best friend.  I'm so thankful I don't have to send him home at night, and we can be goofy together all we want.
  • I'm thankful for my dad who isn't afraid to tell me what I need to hear instead of what I want to hear, and he always gives me Godly advice when I need it.
  • I'm thankful for my mom who is always there when I need to talk. I can trust her with anything, and I know she will always give me Godly advice, as well.
  • I'm thankful for both of my parents for teaching me how to live for Jesus. They have also taught me the sacredness of marriage.  It's a blessing to look to them for wisdom and advice.  I'm also thankful for the unconditional love they give me.
  • I'm thankful for my brothers, especially now that we're all becoming friends.  I'm blessed to live in the same town as them and be able to invite them over for supper.  Without a doubt, they will always put a smile on my face.
  • I'm thankful for our church family.  It's been a blessing to be part of a small group and Bible study.  Knowing people care is such a great feeling.
  • I'm thankful that God has a plan for our lives.  Even when we don't know what the future holds, God does.  He has promised us a hope and a future.
  • I'm thankful for the peace that God has given me about our future.  I've never known such peace, but He has given it to me now.  It's an incredible feeling.
  • I'm so very thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus made on the Cross.  He died for you and me, so that we may live with Him forever.  What an amazing gift!!
I'm incredibly blessed.  There's really not enough room to share everything that I'm thankful for, but I thought I would share what was on my heart.  I hope that you, too, are finding things to be thankful about, not only in this season, but every day of life.

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