
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Crazy Love: Forgiveness

Wow.  That's all I can say. I'm in awe of how God works.

I just started reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  If you haven't read it, go get it!  Seriously.  I'm 30 pages in and can't believe what I'm reading/watching.  He has videos posted on his website, and in the book he tells you when to watch them.

I just watched one about forgiveness.  I've been focusing on that subject for the last couple of weeks.  I talked about forgiving in a blog post a couple of weeks ago, and it's still so fresh in my mind.  As I was watching this video, I knew everything he was talking about.  I've known in my whole life.  I grew up in the church, and I was taught it when I was very young.  But now, I look at it in another way.  Specifically, forgiving and loving one another.  What would life be like if we loved everyone?  And I mean absolutely EVERYONE.  Wouldn't that just be awesome?

I have an amazing opportunity in the next couple of days.  It's about forgiving.  I'm very excited about it, because I'm ready to be done with what I've been carrying around.  I was thinking about the word:  forgiveness.  It has the word 'give' in it.  It's because that's what we can give others.  We can forget about what they've done to us.  We can forget how they've hurt us.  We can 'give' them a second chance.   God gives us plenty of second chances, why can't we give others lots of second chances?  And why the heck do we want to carry around grudges and wrongs of what people have done to us?  It's too heavy to bear.

I'm guilty as much as the next person. I'm not perfect and I mess up a lot.  I need forgiveness from people and from God.  But this week, I'm going to start with giving forgiveness.  I'm ready to unload this burden from my back.  I'm ready to give a second chance...and third, and fourth, and fifth...whatever it takes.

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