
Monday, April 3, 2017

Finding Food Freedom: Why Whole30?

When I figured out what I was doing to myself--the binging--I knew that I needed to get my nutrition in check.  So I went back to what I knew.  That was the Whole30 program.  I already knew it was awesome, and I knew that it would help me get my life back.  They had come out with a few more resources since I had done the program last, so I was excited to see their improvements.

So what did the Whole30 program do for me?

It allowed me to get all of the foods that may have been having negative effects on my body out of my system.  By eating lean meats, healthy fats, tons of veggies, and a bit of fruit each day, I was slaying my sugar dragon.

You crave what you eat.  So when I was allowing myself to shove tons of sweets, gooey treats, and bread in my mouth, I was craving those things later.  In turn, I told myself I couldn't have those things and then I'd find myself binging on them.  It was a horrible that I couldn't seem to find a way out of until I threw off every single excuse I had about why I couldn't do another round of Whole30.

Detoxing and getting all the processed junk out of my body was difficult.  Yes, I had headaches and there were times I didn't feel so well.  But after the first few days, I started feeling better.  I started sleeping so well at night, and I woke up rested.  I suppressed my sugar dragon to where I didn't have cravings for junk.

The Whole30 is also designed to give up the scale and tape measure for the 30 days.  Being able to do so, freed me from seeing a number.  It freed me from the idea that I have to weigh or lose a certain amount.  I was feeling so much better in my own clothes. I had more confidence in myself.

Meanwhile, I was still in the Word every day and spending quiet moments with God.  I was also reading other personal development books to help encourage me along the way.  I developed a plan to help me once I was finished with my 30 days.  I will be sharing that plan tomorrow, so I hope you'll come back and join me then!

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