
Monday, March 25, 2013

The Lamb

A few weeks back, I purchased "The Jesus Storybook Bible."

You might ask why, since I don't have any kids.
Well, Leslie had started a Bible Study for anyone who was wanting to learn the basics and stories of the Bible.
I didn't have the book, but I thought it was a wonderful idea!
A few months went by, and I kept seeing several Instagram friends post things from the JSB. 
I decided to add it to my wish list on Amazon.
The next week, I got an email that the price had gone down.
I bought it.

Last night, I sat down to read the Easter story out of it.
Since it's a kids book, I knew it would be an easy read.

W R O N G !

I only read 3 or 4 pages and had to put it down.
Please, let me share with you part of it.

"But this is how God will rescue the whole world.  My life will break and God's broken world will mend.  My heart will tear apart--and your hearts will heal.  Just as the Passover lamb died, so now I will die instead of you.  My blood will wash away all of your sins.  And you'll be clean on the inside--in your hearts."
I couldn't read anymore, because those few sentences got right to my heart.  My Jesus, the One I serve, died for me.  He became the Passover lamb.  He was the pure, blameless, spotless Lamb.  He was slain for me.  For me and for you.

Sometimes reading the Bible is like reading mumbo-jumbo.  Sometimes we need to get back to the basics...even having child-like faith (Matthew 18:2-4).

This week, I want to focus on why we celebrate Easter.  I want to reflect and meditate on it in my heart.  I pray that you will be, too.


miscellany monday at lowercase letters

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing the power of children's literature to inspire and to tug at your heart unexpectedly isn't it?

    Thanks for linking up!

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity


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