
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Do You Have the Right Kind of Accountability?

Who do you show up for?  On your health and fitness journey, who are you showing up for?  Is it your husband?  Is it your kids?  What about you?  Do you show up for you?

One of the "well known" ideas around the fitness industry is that in order to succeed, you must have an accountability partner.  I don't necessarily agree with that statement, as I have had no accountability partner on my own journey.  I don't think they're a bad thing, but I don't think they are completely necessary for several reasons.

I think that for you to be successful, you must have self-accountability.
"The only accountability that truly exists is self-accountability.  The only person who can hold you accountable for anything is you, and to be successful you must develop the mental honesty and courage to own your thinking, actions, and results." --Brian Moran
Ultimately, you have to hold yourself accountable.  You have to be completely honest and vulnerable with yourself.  If you're not, you're lying to yourself.  You have to be accountable to yourself before you can be accountable to anybody else.

Are you committed? Commitment isn't just a's an action!  You have to take action and prove to yourself that you are committed.  Are you brave enough to be honest with yourself? You choose your actions.

You choose whether or not you get up 30 minutes earlier to get your workout in.  You choose whether you have those Cheetos or a salad.  You choose whether you want to make excuses for yourself or not.  Those actions will become your results and your consequences.


In May 2015, I lost my Granny.  I went into a depression and self-medicated with food.  I also went into denial because I had no intention of being accountable to myself for what I was eating.  I didn't care.  It honestly took me about a year and a half to fully grasp what I had done to myself and then get a game plan together to get myself out of it.  I had to take full responsibility of my actions. 

Show up for yourself.  When you don't show up to eat better or to workout, you're only disappointing yourself. 

Secondly, find someone who can help create a plan for you.  Find someone who will listen to your goals and dreams and will help you get there.  This may not be an "accountability partner," but maybe someone who was in your shoes once.  Find someone who cares enough about you to help guide you.  Find someone who is going to take into account what you can and can't do in this moment of time.  They will be one to push you and move you outside your comfort zone.  They will encourage you to be better. 

If you're looking for that person to push you and encourage you, I am here to help!  I have a VIP Focus Group open for enrollment right now!  We will start June 19th and will be focused for 30 days.  I will ask you what your goals are and help you make a step-by-step plan to reach them.  Ready to get started?  Simply click {HERE} and JOIN ME!  I will be in touch to give you all the details of the group.

EDIT:  Group is now closed.

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