
Friday, June 9, 2017

Why You Should Schedule Your Free Time

Summer is a very busy time.  The kids are home from school.  Friends are getting married.  Family vacations are being taken.  Get-togethers, church camp, sports camp, swimming name it, and I'm sure it's on the list of things to be done.  Summer is a hectic time in my house, and I'm sure it is in yours as well.  So I'm sure you're wondering why you should schedule your free time.

In the winter months, I yearn for the days of more sun and being outside.  I like being able to explore and just feel the warmth of the sun on my face.  I hate being cooped up.  When the spring and summer months come, I'm ready to change up my schedule a bit.  I want to make sure I have plenty of time to spend with my husband and family.  I want to make sure we get those evening family walks in.  I want to be able to drop everything in the spur of the moment and go get ice cream.

Why You Should Schedule Your Free Time

Schedule Your Free Time

I definitely schedule everything about my day...including my shower (or else it won't get taken). HA!  I make sure that I have my Bible study, workout, work time, meals, and free time scheduled into my day.  I am a pen and paper kind of gal, so I have my planner.  But more than that, I schedule my day on an index card.  This makes it portable for me, and I can keep on track with my appointments and activities.  So why should you schedule your free time?

Because it allows you to actually be free.  By scheduling the rest of your day, that means you're also scheduling in your entire daily to do list.  When you get those things marked off your list, you can focus all your time and energy on your family.

  Schedule Your Free Time

Schedule Your Days

Since I work from home, it's important that I try to keep my "work life" away from my "home life."  Is that even possible? Not really, but I do try.  Maybe you don't work at home, but maybe you do stay at home with your kids.  Something that has really worked for me is scheduling the days when I have to leave the house and go do errands or go to appointments.

I have become a little bit of a homebody and I enjoy being home.  So I try to only schedule appointments and errands on Tuesdays and Fridays.  This allows me to be focused in my work at home, and get as much done as possible.  But I always make sure to schedule in free time with my husband each evening.

I love the freedom of scheduling that time.  I don't have to think about work.  I know that my duties for the day are done, and I can be fully present with my family.

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