
Saturday, June 10, 2017

Finding Normal Amidst the Chaos

I know that I talk a lot about having a routine or some sort of schedule.  Yes, I am a fairly scheduled person, but believe it or not, I do like to be spontaneous.  However, I am not a fan of being spontaneous when life throws you curve balls.  That's why I have a need to find normal amidst the chaos.

The last two weeks, my husband has been pretty sick.  He took off an entire week (plus) of work and literally stayed in bed all day.  I had made him go to the convenient care clinic, and then that started a whole bunch of doctors appointments the next two weeks.  He hasn't been well, so I've been making him eat and getting things done for him.  It's thrown me off my schedule, and at one point, I was pretty stressed.

I was definitely grateful that I had the opportunity to work from home so that I could help him, but I am behind in my work (and housekeeping).  I have a schedule so that I can stay on top of those things because I'll just be honest...if I didn't, I'd be watching tv all day! ha!

With all of that said, my first priority is my husband.  Just like anything else thrown our way, I'm sure family is everyone's priority.  But what happens when those things do happen?  Do you send your health to the back burner?  Do you send the things that help center you to the bottom of your to do list?

It's important, that in the midst of chaos, we take care of ourselves because there are others relying on us.  If we don't care for ourselves, then we can't give our best to them.  When we're in the middle of chaos or a crisis, negative feelings can creep in.  So how can we stand firm when everything is conflicted.

I shared my morning routine earlier on my blog.  This is so incredibly important to me because this is what keeps me grounded.  It is also the only reason that I've remained sane the last couple of weeks.  I knew that I had to continue to show up and take care of myself.  I needed to continue to be the best that I could be, so that I could advocate for my husband.  I needed him to see me as strong so that I wasn't a worry in his mind.  I needed to have a grounded mind and heart even amidst the chaos.

Are you committed to yourself even when things are falling apart around you?  Will you show up for yourself when things aren't perfect?  Be your best self.  Take care of your temple.  Someone needs to stand strong even when things aren't perfect.

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