
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How to Heal from PCOS

It is September which means that it is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month!  I am hoping to bring more awareness to this syndrome and help educate you along the way.  I am not a doctor or a nutritionist.  I am a woman who was diagnosed early in life and has been learning about my diagnosis ever since.  If you have specific questions, you can, of course, ask them, and I will do my best to answer.  However, I would encourage you to take them to your doctor as well. 

There is no cure for PCOS.  But that doesn't mean you can't heal from it.

Being diagnosed Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can be emotional.  Since many women aren't diagnosed until they are trying to conceive, it may be even more emotional.  From my personal experience, doctors aren't super great at explaining PCOS and all that it entails.  The majority of what I know, I've figured out through my own research.  So the lack of explanation and information given at the time of diagnosis may make it even more emotional.

It is okay to feel all the feelings.  It's okay to be mad and sad.  It's okay to grieve.  It can be overwhelming.  If you are in this boat, it's okay.  Allow yourself to feel these things.  This can be part of the healing process on the emotional side of it.

And while there isn't a cure, we can do a few things to help with the healing within.  These aren't new because I've already shared these things previously.  But they are important, and that's why I want to reiterate them.

First off, be educated.  Knowing what PCOS is and what your body is telling you is extremely important.  This will allow you to form a plan to help you heal.

Changing your lifestyle is going to be a big factor in helping you heal as well.  From the things you eat to the products you use.  Food is medicine.  It can help us naturally balance our hormones.  It helps us feel confident because we physically feel good.  When we take the endocrine disruptors out of our homes, we can feel confident in the products we use as well.  This will help our hormones balance as well.

Working out, even just 30 minutes a day, will help us feel good as well.  This can help combat some of the emotions that we're feeling, and it will help us feel more confident.  Lastly, eliminating stress can be a huge help as well.  Learn how to take care of your stress.  Eliminate it or learn how to deal with it in a healthy way.

These things can help us "heal" and feel normal.

If you know someone who could benefit from reading this blog, by all means, share it!  After all, sharing is caring and greatly appreciated!  

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