
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Are You Eating Instead of Drinking?

Did you know that our body's response to thirst feels just like hunger?  It could explain the reasons why you tend to open the pantry looking for something to eat and finding that nothing looks good.  It could also explain why you aren't seeing as much success with your health and fitness goals.

I find myself wanting a snack in the afternoon around 3:30.  I think it's partially because we always had an "after-school snack," as my Granny called it, when we got home off the school bus growing up.  But it also may be because I think I need something to eat, but I really need some water.

It has been advised that we intake at least half our body weight in ounces of water each day.  That means a person who weighs 200 pounds should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water.  That's A LOT!  I know that when I first started this journey four years ago, I hated water.  Seriously--I had to force myself to drink it.  Here I am now, and I exclusively drink it....except when I'm in my hometown. Haha!

So here are some tips for you as you try to drink more water!
  1. When you feel that first pang of "hunger," drink some water first.  This may quench that desire you feel.  It may even save you some calories that you don't need!
  2. When you pick up your water bottle, take 10 gulps.  This will help you reach your water goal faster each day!  I call this the "10 gulp rule."  It really works!
  3. Add some fruit or veggies to your water for flavor.  You can add lemon, lime, cucumber, rosemary, basil, mint, and even essential oils to your water to give it some flavor!  This helps especially if you don't like the taste of water.
  4. Grab a cute water bottle and take it everywhere you go!  This means I give you permission to go buy another water bottle!  It never hurts to have several. ;)  I seem to use a different one each week!  Keeping one near you at all times will also help you when the temptation arises to go through the drive-thru at your favorite snack spot when out and about.
  5. Use a straw!  I know that I drink more when I have a straw.  This helps me meet my water goal faster as well.
  6. Drink sparkling water if you need that carbonation feel.  I was addicted to Diet Coke.  I just thought I had to have one on a daily basis.  But then I switched to La Croix, and it made the transition so much easier!  Just be sure to purchase a sparkling water that does not have any sweeteners in it!
What other tips do you have that help you get your water in during the day?

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