
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How You Are Sabotaging Your Weightloss

I work with women everyday who are wanting to lose weight and get healthy.  But sometimes they come to me wondering why they're not seeing progress.  Could it be that they are sabotaging their own progress without knowing it?

The answer is yes, and I'll tell you why.  I, myself, have sabotaged my own progress.  In fact, I have the pictures to prove it.  It's quite embarrassing, but it's part of my story.  A year ago, I finally came to grips with the fact that I was struggling with binge eating.  I had been in a depression for a year prior due to the loss of my dear Granny.  It was hard, and I was in total denial.  I didn't want to admit that I had been self-medicating with food.  But I was.

Maybe your self-sabotage isn't like mine.  In fact, maybe you don't even know that you're sabotaging your weight loss progress.  Over the next few days, I want to share several ideas on why and how you may be sabotaging your progress.'re on a diet.

That's heard me.  You are on a diet.

You should not be on a diet.  You should have a diet.  A diet should consist of everything that you consume during the day.  It should not dictate whether you say "yes" or "no" to a certain food or food group.

Americans want a quick fix.  We want to be able to snap our fingers and see instant progress.  But things in life that are worth having take time!  Pills, wraps, diet fads and books, pre-packaged diet foods, gadgets, workout programs--they all contribute to our BILLION DOLLAR health and fitness industry.  That's's a billion dollar industry.  Crazy, right?!  We want the latest thing!  We don't want to have to work hard.

In a perfect world, food should be enjoyed.  There should be no stress or other emotions when food is involved.  You should be able to say "yes" or "no" to certain foods with ease because you know exactly how those foods directly effect your body.  You know what foods make you feel good and what foods don't.  Actually, in a perfect world, we should be able to eat whatever we want and not have to worry about gaining weight. HA! ;)

The best way to have a diet is to start slow and eat real food.  You can't change everything overnight.  That is actually the quickest way to fail.  So take it slow.  Eat lean meats, veggies, fruit, healthy fats!  Keep fresh foods in your refrigerator.  Most importantly, get the mindset that you have to be on a diet out of your head!!

Sure, there will be times that you will need to tighten up your nutrition.  In fact, I have three very big events coming up this summer that I want to feel my best at.  So right now, I am making the conscious effort to say "no" to some things so that I can say "yes" to some things later.  I will tighten up my nutrition if I find that I am having an unhealthy relationship with a certain food.

There will be times that you are living in complete food freedom where you don't feel like any sort of food has a hold on you.  You can say yes to that dessert.  You can say no to that ice cream.  It doesn't effect you, and you know exactly what you want.  That is awesome!  That is what we should all strive for.  But no matter the place you're in, tightening up the nutrition or being able to feel free is okay.

Don't be on a diet.  Have a diet.  Don't let what you feel that you can and cannot eat sabotage your goals!

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