
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Is the Scale Weighing You Down?

Do you remember when you were a kid and there was a question that kids asked that could stump you?  The one that I'm talking about particularly is, "Which weighs more...100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of rocks?"

You would want to answer the feathers because they are lighter than a rock.  But the answer was always 100 pounds equals 100 pounds.  They weigh the same.

 That's true for fat and muscle.  Five pounds of fat equals 5 pounds of muscle.  The only difference is that it takes more fat to make up that 5 pounds.

Muscle weighs more than fat.

Muscle is more dense than fat.

This is why you should not rely on the scale as your sole measure of progress!  It will NOT tell you the truth!

Have you stepped on the scale to see a number only to feel super depressed?  Or maybe you stepped on the scale and saw a number and you jumped for joy.  We allow the scale to dictate our feelings way too often.  We also allow it to control our actions.  Maybe once you've seen that number you now feel that you have to stop eating certain foods or you celebrate by eating your favorite dessert?

We cannot allow something so small dictate how we feel or react.

Here are some other options for you when it comes to measuring your success:
  1. Take physical measurements to see if you've lost inches.
  2. Look for progress in your workouts.  Did you lift heavier weights?  Did you make it further than you've ever made it?
  3. Notice changes in your clothes.
  4. Did you make it a week without sweets?  Pop?  Your late night snack?
  5. What physical ailments have gone away?
  6. Are you sleeping better?
  7. Are the breakouts gone from your face?
There are so many ways to measure success.  It doesn't have to be on a scale.

So I encourage you to put your scale away.  You don't have to throw it out, but put it where you can't see it every day.  If you feel the need to weigh yourself, only do it once a week or less often.  Start focusing on the small victories, because when you're not focused on what the scale says, those become your BIG victories! 

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