
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Healthy Vacations: What to Pack

The great thing about this journey is that we continue to learn about ourselves.  Or at least I hope you do! ;)  I know that I am continually learning about my body and my habits and how I work.

This last week, I learned something that I didn't know about myself.  I learned that I need to keep my morning routine the same no matter where I am.  When I am at home, I get up and have my quiet time (Bible study), read my personal development book, and then I will go workout.  I could have kept that routine during the week on the cruise, but I didn't.  And I felt it the rest of the day.

My morning routine keeps me grounded.  I know that I am a better person after I've been in God's Word each day.  I know that my day will be better, and I will be able to get more things done if I put Him first.  Not only that, I also read some personal development books.  I know that personal development or "self-help" gets a bad reputation sometimes.  I know that I used to think, "What?  I don't need self-help."  But I have started reading these types of books for the past year or so.  I can't believe the growth that I've seen in my own self just by reading some of these books.

need personal development in my life because it can help refine my leadership skills or help me with my nutrition or whatever it may be.  There are tons of books out there to read, and I've had a lot recommended to me.  But I would definitely tell you to read books that will relate to you and what you're going through or what areas you need to grow in!

If the book you're currently reading is not good or you're forcing yourself to read it....STOP!  You want to read something that you are passionate about or something that will push you to be better.

When you train your mind, as well as your body, you will achieve so much more!  I now know for the future that I need to keep up with my personal development reading while on vacation so I can keep my mindset right.  A strong mindset helps me make healthier decisions.  That...I have figured out finally! ;)

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

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