
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Healthy Vacations: Plan for Success

Okay, so you've been working out and eating healthy for awhile now.  It's almost summer and your kids are ready to go on a family vacation.  But what do you do?  How will you continue this lifestyle while on vacation?  Will you be prepared or will you fall off the wagon for a week?

That is all up to you.

Typically, when we would go on vacation, I would have the attitude that it was only a week and that I could do and eat whatever I wanted.  Then I'd get back on track with my food the next week when we would get home.  However, it never really happened like that.  So these last couple of vacations, I decided that I would do my best to continue eating healthy and being active.  Here are a few things that I have found to be helpful.
  1. Do your research!  Where will you be going on your vacation?  Will you be staying at a hotel or a resort?  Will you be on a cruise ship?  Will you have access to a kitchen? What kinds of restaurants are surrounding the area that you will be in?  Will there be a grocery store nearby? What kinds of foods will you have access to?  Is there a fitness center?  Will you need to do a workout in your hotel room?  Do you need to adjust your workout calendar so you can get the proper workouts in while you're gone?This step is important so you know exactly what you're getting yourself into and you can be as prepared as possible.  If you aren't prepared to have a healthy vacation, then you most likely won't be successful.  You may still have a ton of fun, but you may come home feeling crummy.  We don't want that!
  2. Make a list.  You will want to make a list of all the things you will need while away.  You will want your regular workout clothes and already-broken-in shoes.  You'll want some healthy snacks that you can pack in a purse or bag for the day.

  3. Plan for Success! If you don't plan to be successful with healthy eating or daily movement, then you won't be successful.  You have to make it a priority.  This is your healthy lifestyle. Just because you are in a different place than normal doesn't mean that you don't want your body to be working optimally.  So yes, you may need to get up earlier than your family.  But I bet you can take a nap later in the day! ;)
For some healthy snack ideas, check out the video below!

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