
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Healthy Vacations: Now What?!

So you've done your research on your vacation location.  You know exactly where all the good spots to eat are.  You've done your homework and know where the nearest grocery stores are.  You have a list of snacks you want to take along, and you know to pack your personal development book to help keep your mind in check while you're gone. what?!

The biggest tip that I could give you is to be present.  Forget about what is happening at home. You're on vacation for a reason, right?  You want to enjoy it.  Forget about documenting the trip via social media.  Take pictures when absolutely necessary, but soak in all the memories that you're making.

I know that in order for my husband to relax, we have to go out of the country where he can't turn his phone on.  If we go somewhere that he can leave his phone on, then he gets his emails, texts, and phone calls from work.  That is not the point in a vacation.  Honestly, I have to go out of the country to turn my phone off, too. Since I have a job on social media, I get caught up in responding to emails just as much as he does...GUILTY!

Being present...caught in the moment...also helps with eating.  When we are present, we are able to fully evaluate our food choices.  When we are present, we don't shovel snacks in our mouths just out of habit.  When we are present, we are fully aware of the choices we are making.

When you are present, you know when your body is really hungry and when it's just thirsty.  You know which foods make you feel crummy, and you are aware of the beverages that you are consuming.  But it is vacation.  It's okay to treat yourself.  Just don't treat yourself at every meal of every day!


Remember...relax and enjoy this week with your family.  You won't ever get this time back.  Be present and soak in the memories!

If you’re needing some encouragement on your own spiritual journey or are looking for ideas on how to begin or continue with your own Bible study, join The Core!

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