
Friday, May 12, 2017

Healthy Vacations: After Vacation

Well, you're home from vacation, now what?  I know that some of you may be sad to come back to reality and some may be ready to come home.  I really do love my life, so I am generally ready to come back after a refreshing and relaxing time.

So what happens once you're home?  Well, hopefully, you did your research and planned accordingly, packed the necessities, and enjoyed every, single moment of your vacation.  I sure hope you're feeling refreshed!  Your tummy should be feeling pretty good, your mind should be full, and you're ready to tackle the first week back at work, whether outside the home or inside.

However, if you're not feeling that way, I can understand.  I've been there many times before. Whatever you're feeling, I've got a few tips for you!

Once you're home, get back on schedule.  That means to continue your workouts wherever you left off.  Maybe you only worked out a couple of times on vacation or maybe you completed a whole week of workouts on vacation...wherever you left off, start right back up!

Get back on your healthy meal plan!  Maybe you're feeling pretty crummy. My tummy was feeling a bit off last week when I got home, so I started the 3 Day Refresh, just to help my body get rid of the junk that I did consume and to get a head start back on my healthy meal plan.  If you feel good, then just make sure you're back to eating a clean diet.

Since I've been on this journey for awhile now, I have a good idea of what meals we like. I typically will start thinking about my meal plan on the trip home.  That way once we get home, I can head straight to the grocery store to fill up the fridge again!

The sooner you get back on track, the sooner you'll be crushing your goals!  If you allow yourself to slack when you get home, the longer you'll be feeling crummy.

Side note:  I think that I have finally learned that I HATE feeling like crap!  That should be one of those "duh" moments, but I have to be honest.  Sometimes ice cream is WAY too tempting and the temptation outweighs the upset tummy afterwards.  But then I'm completely miserable and always wondering WHY I can't ever learn. It's a vicious cycle!

I hope that you have a wonderful vacation, and I sure hope that these tips can help you the next time you decide to get away! 

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