
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Power of Routine: Evenings

Yesterday, I shared my morning routine.  It is extremely important to me.  But I might also add that my evening routine is just as important, too!

If you ask my husband, he'll tell you that I'm like the energizer bunny.  I will work and work and work, and when it's time to go to bed, I'll crash.  I don't need to wind down.  I don't need time to "get ready" to sleep.  That might be how I was raised, with little downtime, but I have continued it into my adulthood.  I don't really like being idle, especially when I have part of a to-do list left in the evening.

But having a routine has really helped me be more successful with my mornings.  In order to have a smooth morning routine, I must have an evening routine.

Can I share a bad habit with you?  I feel like we're that good of friends, now.  About six years ago, my husband was in training for his job.  We had relocated to Oklahoma City (the first time) for three months while he figured out what he was doing.  I came with him, but I didn't have the same schedule as him.  In fact, I didn't want to go to bed at the same time he did.  I was still on somewhat of a college kid's schedule...staying up late, sleeping in late.

I didn't have a job during this time, so I turned to social media.  This was right at the time that I started making "friends in my phone."  I would scroll instagram or facebook every night, laying in bed while my husband slept.  Then I would have to make myself get off my phone.  That habit has been carried through the last 5 years or so.  I blame that habit on my bad sleeping.

So to help with my sleeping schedule and productivity, I thought I should at least try to get ready for the day ahead of me.  I now have a schedule of four things that I do each night before I go to sleep.
  1. I lay out my workout clothes on my bathroom counter.  This helps me to quietly get ready for the day and prepare myself to get my workout done early!
  2. I set out my water bottle and pre-workout drink on the kitchen counter so that I know exactly where they are in the morning.
  3. I set out my Bible, personal development book, and journal on my coffee table.  I do my quiet time on the couch each morning, so having this in front of me when I sit down helps a ton!  The last thing I want to do is be scrounging around looking for something.
  4. The last thing that I do is put my phone on the charger in my bathroom.  I quit leaving it on my nightstand, as that was too big a temptation to just reach over and scroll the social feeds before sleeping.  Allowing myself 45 minutes before bed to completely let my eyes rest from all digital devices has made a world of difference in my sleep.  If you're worried about an alarm, just buy a cheap alarm clock! ;)
What things do you need to put in your evening routine?  What would help make your mornings smoother?

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