
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Finding Food Freedom: Tip #1

I think one of the most difficult things to do is to tell others your faults.  I felt like such a fraud.  I felt ashamed of what I had done.  I was trying to teach other women how to eat healthy and incorporate exercise into their lives, but I was holding onto a powerful secret.

I was publicly showing others what I was eating only when it was good, healthy food.  I wasn't showing the food that I was secretly eating.  Unfortunately, what you eat in private will be worn publicly.  And that's exactly what happened for me.  I wasn't losing weight because I wasn't doing the hard work.

I finally came to grips with my "self-diagnosis," if you will.  I knew that I had been binge eating.  And it was time to come clean.  I needed to share with someone.  I needed someone to know.  So I went to Facebook.  It seemed like the easiest place to share my struggles, and to allow the ladies that I have worked with to know exactly where I was at that moment.

Instead of people making snide comments or harsh remarks, I was met with grace.  I was met with love and encouragement.  And in that moment, I can remember feeling free.  I felt free because the burden was no longer on me.  It was out in the open.

So if you struggle with any type of disordered eating, my tip is to tell someone.  Tell someone that you love and trust.  When you share that kind of burden, it allows you to free yourself so that you can get started overcoming it.  When you share it, you are stronger because you have someone on your side to help support and encourage you.

It's nothing to be ashamed about, so if you feel shame and guilt from the friend you tell, they aren't the right person for you.  The person you share that information with should be nothing but loving towards you and want what's best for you.

If you don't feel like you can tell anyone, please know that I am always here.  I understand what you're going through.  I would love to encourage you and support you.  I'd love to pray for you and with you.

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