
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Why We Quit: So Many Excuses

As we come to a conclusion of this series of Why We Quit, I want to give you another reason why we sometime throw in the towel with our health.  These are certainly not ALL the reasons, just several that I have experience with or have talked to other women about.

We all run busy lives.  We have things to do and people to take care of.  We have work responsibilities, house work, and kids' sports.  We have church activities, volunteer responsibilities, and so much more!  We are busier than ever.  Sometimes we allow those reasons to be the reason why we do not take care of ourselves.  We let our excuses run our lives.  Here are some of the most popular ones that I have heard over the last couple of years of coaching women:

I don't have time.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  We all have to spend those hours doing something.  How we spend those hours is what is going to make us successful in our healthy journey or not.   If something is not a priority, it will not happen.  So if working out is not a priority, it will not happen. If eating healthy is not a priority, it will not happen.  Will you make your health a priority today??

I don't have money.  This is one that I hear a lot.  Fitness does not have to cost money.  Some of my best workouts have been using my own body weight and getting a quick sweat session in.  It does not require money to get it done.  Take a walk or hike.  Go for a run.  Do a body weight circuit (squats, lunges, sit-ups, push-ups, etc).  Turn on some music and have a dance party in your kitchen.  Get creative!

I'm too tired.  If you are just starting your health journey, this may be a valid excuse.  Did you know that the food you eat has direct impact in how you feel?  If you are eating foods that are found in the aisles of the grocery store, you may be feeling tired because of it.  Try eating more veggies, fruit, healthy fats, and lean meats.  If you have been on your health journey for awhile and are feeling tired, maybe it is time to re-evaluate why.  Did you stay up too late binge-watching Netflix?  Is your diet off?  Are you getting enough sleep?  There is a reason you feel this way.

I hate working out.  I get it.  I really do.  I hated working out when I first started this journey.  I had to make myself do it because I knew that it was good for me.  I knew that it had to be part of my lifestyle.  But then I found a workout that I really enjoyed.  It did not seem like I was working out because I was having fun.  If you struggle with this aspect of fitness, I would encourage you to find something you like doing.

I don't have motivation.  Motivation is an emotion.  It is something that we feel, so we may not wake up with it everyday.  We may have to look for it.  But once you find it, it is easier to regenerate the next time you need it.  Some days you may not have it at all, and you do things out of discipline. That is okay, too.  Eating good, healthy foods will also help with that motivation, because you will have more energy.  With more energy comes more motivation.  It is a win all the way around!

There are going to be excuses everywhere you look.  If you need one, you can find one. but what makes you successful on this journey is pushing past those excuses and breaking free from allowing them to have a hold on your life.

It is not an easy feat.  Anyone who is successful {in anything} should tell you that they have pushed through their own excuses and gotten past the roadblocks standing in their way.  A lot of times the one thing standing in our way of being successful is ourself.

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