
Friday, March 24, 2017

Why We Quit: Lack of Planning

There are a lot of reasons why people quit things.  But for the next couple of days, I want to continue to shed some light on some of the most popular reasons and help you stay on track and committed to your journey.

One of the biggest reasons I see that people quit on their health and fitness journey is because of their lack of planning.  I know that we are busier than ever these days.  There are so many things going on in our lives, and every free moment is booked solid with some kind of activity.  Maybe the last thing on your mind is your health.

But with a little planning, we can stay on track and make it easier on ourselves!  Making our health a priority requires planning whether you are a "natural planner" or not.

Have you ever walked into a gym with the intention of working out, only to get there and have not a clue what to do?  I was just chatting with a friend yesterday about how she does not go to the gym anymore, even though she kept her membership.  When I asked her why she said that she just does not know what to do, so she finds herself on the elliptical, which is boring day after day.  If you have a gym membership, going to the gym with a plan is super helpful! ;)

Here are some ideas to help you with making a plan:
  1. Follow a workout calendar.  I choose to do a program from start to finish.  The best part about these programs is that you get a workout calendar.  It tells you what to do every day. This helps with the indecisiveness so that you can get it done in 30 minutes or less!
  2. Lay out all of your workout clothes the night before.  Also, prepare your pre-workout drink and any meals you will need while away from home.
  3. Learn to meal plan and prep efficiently.  Having healthy food that you can pull out of your fridge at a moment's notice and stay on track is an amazing feeling!
What other things can you do to make your life easier?  What can you do to help make your health a priority and not something that you give up?

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